The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI (A)) Regulations 1992

Instructions and Information

7.1  Instructions and information required for inclusion in the training manual specified in Part I of Schedule 11 and in the instructions for on-board maintenance specified in Part II of Schedule 11 shall be in a form suitable for inclusion in such training manual and instructions for on-board maintenance. Instructions and information shall be in English in a clear and concise form and shall include the following:

7.1.1   general description of the boat and its equipment;

7.1.2   installation arrangements;

7.1.3   operational instructions including use of associated survival equipment;

7.1.4   survival instructions;

7.1.5   emergency repair instructions;

7.1.6   deployment, boarding and launching instructions;

7.1.7   method of launching from within the boat;

7.1.8   release from launching appliance;

7.1.9   on board maintenance requirements;

7.1.10 servicing requirements;

7.1.11 use of engine and accessories; and

7.1.12 recovery of boat including stowage and securing.