The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI (A)) Regulations 1992

Boat Equipment

6.2  The equipment of every boat shall consist of:

6.2.1   sufficient buoyant oars or paddles to make headway in calm seas; thole pins, crutches or equivalent arrangements shall be provided for each oar; thole pins or crutches shall be attached to the boat by lanyards or chains;

6.2.2   a buoyant bailer;

6.2.3   a sea-anchor complying with the requirements of Part I of Schedule 7;

6.2.4   a painter of sufficient length and strength, attached to the release device complying with the requirements of paragraph 4.6 and replaced at the forward end of the boat;

6.2.5   one buoyant line, not less than 50 metres in length, of sufficient strength to tow a liferaft as required by paragraph 2.14;

6.2.6   one waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signalling, together with one spare set of batteries and one spare bulb in a waterproof container;

6.2.7   one whistle or equivalent sound signal;

6.2.8   a first-aid outfit complying with the requirements of Part II of Schedule 7 in a waterproof case capable of being closed tightly after use;

6.2.9   two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 metres of buoyant line with a breaking strain of at least 1.0kN;

6.2.10 a buoyant safety knife;

6.2.11 two sponges;

6.2.12 an efficiently manually operated bellows or pump;

6.2.13 a repair kit in a suitable container for repairing punctures;

6.2.14 a safety boat hook; and

6.2.15 a portable fire extinguisher.