The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI (A)) Regulations 1992


2.  Internal and External Lights

2.1.1 The complete light unit shall be constructed with proper workmanship and materials.

2.1.2 It shall be capable of withstanding the drop test for a lifeboat.

2.1.3 It shall be capable of withstanding a drop of 2 metres onto a rigidly mounted steel plate or concrete surface.

2.1.4 it shall be rot proof, corrosion resistant, and not be unduly affected by sea-water, oil or fungal growth.

2.1.5 It shall not deteriorate due to damp or humidity when stowed in or on a lifeboat.

2.1.6 The power source shall be proofed against leakage of any chemicals which could damage or cause deterioration of the lifeboat.

2.1.7 The connection between light and power shall be suitably protected.

2.1.8 The lamp, lamp holder and lens shall be so constructed to prevent the ingress of water.

2.1.9 .If the external light is a flashing light, it shall not be fitted with a lens or curved reflector to concentrate the beam.