

1.  A route to carry two-way traffic to the slip roads given the reference numbers 2and 3 on the deposited plan, starting at a point (given the reference letter "B' on the deposited plan)and terminating at a point (given the reference letter "C' on the deposited plan) about 450 metres south-west of the junction of the driveway to Fox Covert Farm and Derby Road. This route is given the reference number 1 on the deposited plan.

2.  A route to connect the southbound carriageway of the route described at item (1) of this Schedule with the westbound carriageway of the main A564 TrunkRoad. This route is given the reference number 2 on the deposited plan.

3.  A route to connect the westbound carriageway of the main A564 Trunk Road with the northbound carriageway of the route described at item (1) of this Schedule. This route is given the reference number 3 on the deposited plan.

4.  A route to connect the southbound carriageway of the main new trunk road with the eastbound carriageway of the main A564 Trunk Road. This route is given the reference number 4 on the deposited plan.

5.  A route to connect the eastbound carriageway of the main A564 Trunk Road with the northbound carriageway of the route described at item (1) of this Schedule. This route is given the reference number 5 on the deposited plan.