The Serbia and Montenegro (United Nations Sanctions) Order 1992

Exportation of goods from Serbia and Montenegro and dealing and processing

5.—(1) Except under the authority of a licence granted by the Secretary of State under this article or under the Import of Goods (Control) Order 1954(1), all goods originating in Serbia or Montenegro are prohibited to be imported into the United Kingdom.

(2) Except under the authority of a licence granted by the Secretary of State under this article, no person shall do any act calculated to promote the exportation of any goods from Serbia or Montenegro.

(3) Except under the authority of a licence granted by the Secretary of State under this article, in respect of any goods that have been exported from Serbia or Montenegro after 30th May 1992, no person shall, by way of trade or otherwise for gain:

(a)acquire or dispose of such goods or of any property or interest in them or any right to or charge upon them;

(b)process them; or

(c)do any act calculated to promote any such acquisition, disposal or processing by himself or any other person.

(4) Nothing in paragraph (2) or (3) of this article shall apply where the importation of the goods into the United Kingdom is or was authorised by a licence granted by the Secretary of State under this article or under the Import of Goods (Control) Order 1954.


S.I. 1954/23, as amended by S.I. 1954/627, 1975/2117 and 1978/806.