The Extradition (British Antarctic Territory) (Commonwealth Countries, Colonies and Republic of Ireland) Order 1992

Restoration of persons not tried or acquitted.

20.—(1) This section applies to any person accused of an offence under the law of the Territory who is returned to the Territory (or for trial by a court of the Territory) as mentioned in section 19(1) above.

(2) If in the case of a person to whom this section applies either—

(a)proceedings against him for the offence for which he was returned are not begun within the period of six months beginning with the day of his arrival in the Territory (or in the place where he is to be tried by a court of the Territory) on being returned; or

(b)on his trial for that offence, he is acquitted or is, under any law for the time being in force in the Territory, ordered to be discharged absolutely or subject to the condition that he commits no offence during such period as may be specified in the order,

  • the Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, on the request of that person, arrange for him to be sent back free of charge and with as little delay as possible to the jurisdiction of the country from which he was returned.