
Statutory Instruments

1991 No. 2562


The Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study in Geography) (England) (No. 2) Order 1991


11th November 1991

Laid before Parliament

18th November 1991

Coming into force except for articles 1 and 10, in accordance

with articles 2 to 5 articles 1 and 10

1st August 1992

Whereas the National Curriculum Council, after due consultation, submitted to the Secretary of State and published its report on a proposal to make this Order which he had referred to it, in accordance with section 20(2) to (4) of the Education Reform Act 1988(1);

And whereas the Secretary of State, in accordance with subsection (5) of the said section 20, duly published a draft of this Order and the other documents mentioned in that subsection and sent copies of them to the said Council and to each of the persons consulted by the Council, and allowed a period of not less than one month for the submission of evidence and representations;

And whereas that period has now expired:

Now therefore the Secretary of State for Education and Science, in exercise of the powers conferred on the Secretary of State by section 4(2)(a) and (b) and (4) and section 232(5) of the Education Reform Act 1988 hereby makes the following Order in the terms of the said draft with modifications(2):

Citation, commencement, application and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study in Geography) (England) (No. 2) Order 1991 and subject to paragraph (2) of this article shall come into force in accordance with articles 2 to 5.

(2) This article and article 10 shall come into force on 1st August 1992.

(3) This Order applies in relation to maintained schools in England only.

(4) In this Order–

“Document 1” and “Document 2” mean documents published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office entitled respectively “Geography in the National Curriculum (England)” and “Geography in the National Curriculum (England): Short Courses for Pupils at Key Stage 4”(3)

references to the first, second, third and fourth key stages are references to the periods set out in paragraphs (a) to (d) respectively of section 3(3) of the Education Reform Act 1988;

references to levels of attainment are references to the levels set out in Documents 1 and 2 in relation to each attainment target;

and references to ranges of levels of attainment are references to the range of levels of attainment specified for pupils of different abilities and maturities in respect of the key stage in question.

2.  The provisions of this Order relating to the first key stage shall come into force on 1st August 1992 in respect of pupils in that key stage.

3.  The provisions of this Order relating to the second key stage shall come into force–

(a)on 1st August 1992 in respect of pupils in the first and second years of that key stage;

(b)on 1st August 1993 in respect of pupils in the third year of that key stage; and

(c)on 1st August 1994 in respect of all other pupils.

4.  The provisions of this Order relating to the third key stage shall come into force–

(a)on 1st August 1992 in respect of pupils in the first and second years of that key stage; and

(b)on 1st August 1993 in respect of all other pupils.

5.  The provisions of this Order relating to the fourth key stage shall come into force–

(a)on 1st August 1994 in respect of pupils in the first year of that key stage; and

(b)on 1st August 1995 in respect of all other pupils. Specification of attainment targets and programmes of study

6.  It is hereby directed that the provisions relating to attainment targets and programmes of study set out in Documents 1 and 2 shall have effect as provided in Articles 7 to 9 hereof for the purpose of specifying in relation to geography–

(a)attainment targets; and

(b)programmes of study.

7.  –

(1) Attainment targets 1–5 set out in Document 1 are specified in relation to the first three key stages, the levels applicable (being those appropriate to the different abilities and maturities of the pupils being taught) being –

(a)for the first key stage, levels 1–3;

(b)for the second key stage, levels 2–5; and

(c)for the third key stage, levels 3–7.

(2) Either attainment targets 1–5 set out in Document 1 or attainment targets 1–5 set out in Document 2 are specified in relation to the fourth key stage, according to the programme of study followed by the pupil, the levels applicable in both cases being those appropriate to the different abilities and maturities of the pupils being taught.

8.  –

(1) The programmes of study set out in Document 1 are specified in relation to the first three key stages, the levels applicable (being those appropriate to the different abilities and maturities of the pupils being taught) being–

(a)for the first key stage, levels 1–3;

(b)for the second key stage, levels 2–5; and

(c)for the third key stage, levels 3–7.

(2) Either the programme of study set out in Document 1 or the programme of study set out in Document 2 is specified in relation to the fourth key stage, the levels applicable being levels 4–10 in each case.

9.  The examples printed in italics in Documents 1 and 2 (which serve to illustrate the attainment targets and programmes of study therein described) and the other provisions so printed in Document 2 do not form part of the provision made by this Order.


10.  The Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study in Geography) (England) Order 1991(4) is hereby revoked.

Kenneth Clarke

Secretary of State for Education and Science

11th November 1991

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

Section 4(2) of the Education Reform Act 1988 places a duty on the Secretary of State to establish the National Curriculum by specifying appropriate attainment targets, programmes of study and assessment arrangements for each of the foundation subjects.

Section 4(4) allows for such an Order, instead of containing the provisions to be made, to refer to provisions in documents published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and to direct that those provisions shall have effect according to the Order.

This Order accordingly refers to the two documents entitled “Geography in the National Curriculum (England)” and “Geography in the National Curriculum (England): Short Courses for Pupils at Key Stage 4” and provides for the attainment targets and programmes of study set out in them to have effect for the four key stages of a pupil’s compulsory schooling. The first document sets out 10 levels in respect of attainment targets to cover the full range of abilities and maturities of pupils of compulsory school age; the Order specifies part of each attainment target as the appropriate range of attainment levels for each key stage. The second document sets out alternative attainment targets and an alternative, shorter, programme of study for pupils in key stage 4.

The Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study in Geography) (England) Order 1991 is revoked but its provisions as respects the first three key stages are repeated in this Order.

The Order further provides that any examples and other material printed in italics in the documents do not form part of the Order.


Minor drafting modifications have been made to articles 1, 7, 8 and 9.


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S.I. 1991/678.