
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations further amend the Motor Vehicles (Type Approval for Goods Vehicles) (Great Britain) Regulations 1982.

Regulation 3 makes various consequential amendments and introduces a new regulation 2A entitled “Interpretation of Instruments referred to in Schedule 1”.

Regulation 4 revises the type approval requirements relating to brakes so as to take account of amendments to both ECE Regulation 13 and Council Directive 71/320/EEC and to introduce, as an alternative, the requirements of ECE Regulation 78 as amended on 28th November 1990 in relation to category L vehicles.

In addition, two new items are introduced into Schedule 1 at 6K and 6L. The main effect of this is that certain vehicles in categories M3 and N3 are required to be fitted with anti-lock brakes.

Copies of the ECE Regulations (and amendments) and of the EEC Directives (and amendments) referred to in these Regulations and in this note can be obtained from Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.