The Soft Fruit Plants (Scotland) Order 1991

7.  Strawberry plants of the Standard grade (S) shall–

(a)(i)be stock or derived from stock, certified at Elite grade or higher during the previous growing season; or

(ii)be stock derived from stock, certified at Standard grade during the previous growing season but which was not more than one generation removed from Elite grade or higher; or

(iii)be any other approved stock;

(b)be eligible for certification at Standard grade for two generations only;

(c)not be more than two years old;

(d)be grown in the year entered for certification by a person whose facilities and planting arrangements are acceptable to the Secretary of State;

(e)not be grown on land on which strawberry Red Core disease (Phytophthora fragariae) or raspberry Root Rot disease (Phytophthora megasperma) has been known to occur or be present in the vicinity;

(f)not be grown on land which is subject to a Notice served or continued under the Plant Health (Great Britain) Order 1987 in respect of infection by Wart Disease of potatoes or Potato Cyst Nematode;

(g)not be subject to any fungicidal treatments for the control of strawberry Red Core disease;

(h)be kept at all times in the year of certification:–

(i)at least 2 metres from any other strawberry varieties or plantations;

(ii)at least 20 metres from raspberry stocks infected with soil-borne virus disease to which the variety entered is susceptible;

(iii)at least 20 metres from any strawberry stock substantially infected with any other visible virus diseases, pests or other diseases;

(i)be inspected twice during the growing season by inspectors;

(j)be kept free from aphid infestation by a suitable spray programme;

(k)be clearly labelled by variety;

(l)not be excessively rogued prior to inspection;

(m)be true to type;

(n)be kept in a reasonable state of cultivation.