The Education (School Curriculum and Related Information) (Wales) Regulations 1991

4.  In the case of any school, particulars relating to the school curriculum including, in particular:–

(a)(i)in the case of a county, controlled or maintained special school, a summary of the governing body’s statement pursuant to section 18(1) of the Education(No.2) Act 1986 of their conclusions as to the aims of the secular curriculum for the school and how (if at all) the education authority’s policy as to that curriculum should be modified; or

(ii)in the case of an aided or special agreement school, a summary of any written statement made by the governing body of their policy as to the secular curriculum for the school or an indication (if such is the case) that no such statement has been made;

(b)a summary of the content and organisation of that part of the curriculum relating to sex education (where such education forms part of the secular curriculum of the school);

(c)details of the time set aside for teaching during each school day;

(d)the dates of the school terms and half-term holidays for the next school year;

(e)a summary in respect of each year group of the content of the school curriculum and how it is organised, indicating in particular how the foundation subjects and religious education are organised, what other subjects and cross-curricular themes are included in the curriculum for all pupils, what optional subjects are available and how choices among them are constrained;

(f)a list of the external qualifications for which courses of study are provided for pupilsof compulsory school age at the school and which are for the time being approved bythe Secretary of State or by a designated body under section 5 of the Education ReformAct 1988;

(g)the titles of the syllabuses associated with the qualifications referred to in sub-paragraph (f), or where criteria for determining a syllabus have been so approved, a statement to that effect;

(h)a list of the external qualifications, and the names of the syllabuses associated with them, which are offered to pupils over compulsory school age;

(i)particulars of any careers education provided and any arrangements made for work experience of pupils;

(j)in the case of any county, voluntary or maintained special school (other than a special school established in a hospital), particulars of the manner in which complaints are to be made under arrangements pursuant to section 23 of the Education Reform Act 1988; and

(k)the arrangements for the inspection and (where applicable) the obtaining of copies of any documents which are for the time being required to be made available by or under these Regulations.