The Education (School Curriculum and Related Information) (Wales) Regulations 1991

Time and manner of publication by education authorities of general information admission arrangements etc

5.  –

(1) This regulation shall also apply in relation to the publication, in pursuance of section 8(5) of the Act of 1980 (read with regulation 3), by an education authority,of information in respect of the matters specified in Parts I and II of Schedule 1.

(2) This regulation shall also apply in relation to the publication, in pursuance of subsection (9) of section 8 of the Act of 1980, by an education authority, of particularsof the arrangements there mentioned (including the particulars mentioned in subsections (3)and (4) of that section).

(3) Such information and particulars in relation to each school year shall be published in advance of that year and, except in so far as they relate exclusively to primary education, or special educational provision, they shall be published not later than six weeks before the date up to which parents may express a preference for a school.

(4) Subject to the following paragraphs, such information and particulars shall be published:–

(a)by copies being made available for distribution without charge to parents on request, and for reference by parents and other persons:–

(i)at the offices of the relevant education authority; and

(ii)at every school maintained by that authority, other than a nursery school or a special school;

(b)by copies being distributed without charge to parents of pupils at schools maintained by the relevant education authority, other than nursery schools and special schools, who, in the year next preceding that to which the information and particulars relate, are in the final year at such schools and who might transfer to other schools so maintained; and

(c)by copies being made available for reference by parents and other persons at the public libraries in the area of the relevant education authority.

(5) So far as the information in respect of the matters specified in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Schedule 1 is concerned (schools maintained by the education authority), the information in respect of schools in a particular part of the relevant education authority’s area need not:–

(a)be made available, in pursuance of paragraph (4)(a) and (c), at the offices, schools and libraries there mentioned which are outside that part;

(b)be distributed, in pursuance of paragraph (4)(b), to the parents of pupils there mentioned who are at schools which are outside that part;

if information as to how it may be obtained is available at those offices, schools and libraries or, as the case may be, is distributed to those parents.

(6) So far as publication at schools is concerned, it shall be a sufficient compliance with paragraph (4)(a)(ii) if so much of the information and particulars as relates to schools classified as:–

(a)primary schools;

(b)middle schools;

(c)secondary schools (other than sixth form colleges); or

(d)sixth form colleges;

(irrespective of the terminology used) is available only in schools of the classification in question.

(7) So far as publication y distribution to parents of pupils at a particular school is concerned, it shall be a sufficient compliance with paragraph (4)(b) if there is so published so much of the information and particulars as is relevant having regard to the schools to which pupils in the final year at that school might transfer.

(8) So far as the particulars specified in Part II of Schedule 1 are concerned (special education provision), paragraphs (4), (5), (6) and (7) shall not apply but the particulars shall be published:–

(a)by copies being available for distribution without charge to parents on request, and for reference by parents and other persons, at the offices of the relevant education authority; and

(b)by copies being available for reference by parents and other persons:–

(i)at every school maintained by the relevant education authority; and

(ii)at the public libraries in the area of that authority.