Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) 1989


1.  Attendance at court conducting trial proof or formal debate or hearing—per quarter hour ... ... ... ...


2.  Time occupied in the performance of all other work including attendances with client and others and attendances at court in all circumstances, except as otherwise specifically provided—

(a)Solicitor—per quarter hour ... ... ... ...


(b)Allowance for time of clerk—one half of above.


Time necessarily occupied in travelling to such to be chargeable at these rates.

3.  Drawing all necessary papers (other than affidavits) (the sheet throughout this Chapter to consist of 250 words or numbers)-per sheet ... ... ... ...


4.  Framing affidavits—per sheet ... ... ... ...


5.  Revising papers where revisal ordered—for each five sheets ... ... ... ...


6.  Copying all necessary papers by any means—

(i)First copy—per sheet ... ... ... ...


(ii)Additional copies—per sheet ... ... ... ...



When copied by photostatic or similar process each page shall be charged as one sheet.

7.  Certifying or signing a document ... ... ... ...


8.  Perusing any document—per quarter hour ... ... ... ...


9.  Lodging in process—

Each necessary lodging in or uplifting from process; also for each necessary enquiry for documents due to be lodged ... ... ... ...


10.  Borrowing process—

Each necessary borrowing of process to include return of same ... ... ... ...


11.  Extracts—

Ordering, procuring and examining extracts, interim or otherwise ... ... ... ...


12.  Correspondence, intimations, etc.

(a)Formal letters and intimations ... ... ... ...


(b)Letters other than above—per page of 125 words ... ... ... ...


(c)Telephone calls except under (d) ... ... ... ...


(d)Telephone calls (lengthy) to be treated as attendances or long letters.

13.  Citations—

Each citation of party or witness including execution thereof ... ... ... ...


14.  Instructions to officers—

(a)Instructing officer to serve, execute or intimate various kinds of writs or diligence including the examination of executions ... ... ... ...


(b)For each party after the first on whom service or intimation is simultaneously made ... ... ... ...


(c)Agency accepting service of any writ ... ... ... ...


(d)Reporting diligence


15.  Personal diligence—

(a)Recording execution of charge ... ... ... ...


(b)Procuring fiat ... ... ... ...


(c)Instructing apprehension ... ... ... ...


(d)Framing state of debt and attendance at settlement ... ... ... ...


16.  Sales—

(a)Obtaining warrant to sell ... ... ... ...


(b)Instructing auctioneer or officer to conduct sale ... ... ... ...


(c)Perusing report of sale ... ... ... ...


(d)Reporting sale under poindings or sequestrations or any other judicial sales ... ... ... ...


(e)Noting approval of roup roll ... ... ... ...


(f)Obtaining warrant to pay ... ... ... ...
