The Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Tolls Order 1989

Statutory Instruments

1989 No. 1402


The Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Tolls Order 1989


1st August 1989

Coming into force

1st September 1989

The Secretary of State for Transport, in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (4) of section 17 of the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Act 1988(1), and of all other enabling powers, and on 1st August 1989 which is the next revision date for the purposes of that subsection, as defined by subsection (3) of the said section 17, hereby makes the following Order:

1.  This Order may be cited as the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Tolls Order 1989 and shall, in accordance with section 17(11) of the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Act 1988, come into force on 1st September 1989.

2.  The classes of vehicles in respect of which tolls may be levied under the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Act 1988 are set out in column (1) of the Schedule to this Order. The amounts of the tolls leviable in respect of those classes of vehicles shall be those set out opposite thereto in column (2) of that Schedule.

3.  The Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Tolls Order 1988(2) is hereby revoked.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

Patrick McLoughlin

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,

Department of Transport

1st August 1989

Article 2


Classes of VehiclesTolls for a single journey using the crossing

(1) For each bicycle (not being mechanically powered).

No toll

(2) For each motor cycle or mechanically powered bicycle, with or without sidecar, and whether or not conveyed by any service provided under section 27 (Services for transporting cycles and cyclists through crossing) of the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Act 1988.


(3) For each motor car, including motor car with three wheels, or taxi (up to 30 cwts unladen weight).


(4) For each light or medium goods vehicle, motor coach, omnibus or tractor having no more than two axles.


(5) For each heavy goods vehicle, motor coach or omnibus having more than two axles.


(6) For each special type vehicle which is only permitted to be on the roads under the authority of an order made by the Secretary of State under section 44 of the Road Traffic Act 1988(3).


(7) For each trailer, the same toll as for the vehicle towing it. Where a vehicle used for drawing a trailer has the trailer attached to it by partial superimposition, the vehicle and trailer shall for the purpose of determining the amount of the toll be treated as if they together formed a single vehicle.

(8) For vehicles not specified in the foregoing list, the toll shall be that in respect of the most comparable class of vehicle.

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order, which comes into force on 1st September 1989, fixes the amounts of the tolls to be paid to use the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing, presently consisting of the Dartford Tunnels.

The classes of vehicles in respect of which tolls may be levied under the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Act 1988 (“the Act”) are those established by the Dartford Tunnel Tolls (Revision) Order 1983 (S.I. 1983/1692) and they are reproduced in this Order.

The amount of the toll fixed in respect of each class of vehicle has been arrived at, in accordance with section 17(5) of the Act, by increasing the amount applicable in the case of that class on 1st January 1986 by the same percentage as the percentage increase between the retail prices index for December 1985 and the retail prices index for June 1989, which is the base month in relation to the revision date in question. The percentage increase is 20.2% and after applying the rounding provisions in section 17(6) of the Act results in increases in tolls, from those prescribed in the Dartford–Thurrock Crossing Tolls Order 1988, as follows–

(a)motor cycles and mechanically powered bicycles (with or without sidecar) – no change, the toll remains 20p.

(b)motor cars, 3-wheel cars and taxis – no change, the toll remains at 70p.

(c)light and medium goods vehicles, motor coaches, omnibuses and tractors having no more than two axles – an increase from £1.10, to £1.20.

(d)heavy goods vehicles, motor coaches and omnibuses having more than two axles – an increase from £1.80 to £1.90.

(e)special type vehicles permitted to be on the road under the authority of an order made by the Secretary of State under section 44 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 – an increase from £1.80 to £1.90.

As before there continues to be no toll in respect of bicycles that are not mechanically powered.


S.I. 1988/1364.