
Means for detecting fire and giving warning in case of fire

6.—(1) Every escalator and travolator in station premises shall be provided with a means for detecting fire comprising a linear heat detector system.

(2) Any machine room in station premises in which machinery for operating an escalator, travolator or lift is installed shall be provided with a means for detecting the presence of smoke in the room.

(3) The following parts of station premises shall be provided with a means for detecting fire which is activated automatically in case of fire in such a part of the premises, that is to say–

(a)every part of the premises required by regulation 5(5) above to be provided with the means for fighting fire referred to in that provision;

(b)any office which is not separated from other parts of the premises by fire-resisting construction within the meaning of regulation 7(6) below;

(c)any staff room for persons employed to work in the premises.

(4) The station premises shall be provided with an electrically operated system for giving warning in case of fire which–

(a)is designed to transmit any such warning to a place where it can be received by the station manager or by some other person employed by the occupier of the premises; and

(b)is capable of being activated both by manual operation at call points in the premises, including call points for use by members of the public, and by any of the means referred to in paragraphs (1) to (3) above for detecting fire or the presence of smoke in the premises.

(5) Where a call point for a system for giving warning in case of fire is situated in a part of station premises to which members of the public have access, there shall be displayed at or near the call point a notice giving information as to how to use the call point to activate the system.

(6) The station premises shall be provided with a public address system for use by or on behalf of the occupier of the premises to give warning of fire to members of the public in the premises and advise them of the action to be taken by them in case of fire.

(7) All means for detecting fire and for giving warning in case of fire in station premises shall be maintained in efficient working order.

(8) In station premises arrangements shall be made to secure that in case of fire the station manager and any person employed to work as a member of the staff of the station premises who is on duty in any part of the premises can communicate with each other by personal radio or by telephone.