The Disposal of Waste (Control of Beet Rhizomania Disease) Order 1988

Keeping of records

6.—(1) The person in charge of premises used for processing vegetables to which this Order applies shall keep or cause to be kept a record stating—

(a)the weight of such vegetables processed at the premises,

(b)the weight of waste removed from the premises,

(c)the address of approved land on which the waste so removed is intended to be deposited, and

(d)the name and address of the carrier of that waste.

(2) The person in charge of a vehicle used for carrying waste shall keep or cause to be kept a record stating—

(a)the weight of the waste carried in the vehicle on each journey,

(b)the address of the premises from which the waste was removed,

(c)the address of the approved land on which the waste was deposited, and

(d)the registration number of the vehicle in which the waste was carried.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4) below the person in charge of approved land shall keep or cause to be kept a record stating—

(a)the weight of waste deposited there on each occasion,

(b)the address of the premises from which the waste originated,

(c)the registration number of the vehicle in which the waste was carried, and

(d)the name of the person in charge of that vehicle.

(4) The requirements of paragraph (3) above shall not apply in relation to waste deposited on approved land if the waste originates from a processing site which forms part of the same premises as the approved land.

(5) The records required to be kept by this article shall—

(a)be kept as soon as the relevant information is available,

(b)be kept in a permanent and legible form,

(c)be retained by the person in charge of the said premises, vehicle or approved land for a period of three years from the date on which they were made, and

(d)be produced by the person for the time being in charge of them to an inspector on demand at any reasonable time.

(6) The person so producing the records shall permit the inspector to take copies of, or make extracts from, them.