

Discipline and control

Adult female inmates: disciplinary awards

60.  In the case of a female inmate aged 21 years or over who is serving a sentence of imprisonment or who has been committed to prison for default–

(i)rule 53 of these Rules shall not apply, and the governor may instead make any one or more of the following awards for an offence against discipline:–


(b)forfeiture for a period not exceeding 28 days of any of the privileges under rule 7 of these Rules;

(c)removal for a period not exceeding 14 days from any particular activity or activities of the young offender institution, other than education, training courses, work and physical education in accordance with rules 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 of these Rules;

(d)extra work outside the normal working week for a period not exceeding 14 days and for not more than 2 hours on any day;

(e)stoppage of earnings for a period not exceeding 28 days;

(f)confinement to a cell or room for a period not exceeding 3 days;

(g)forfeiture of remission of a period not exceeding 28 days;

(ii)paragraph (4) of rule 54 of these Rules shall not apply and instead, where the board constituted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) of that rule, or an officer of the Secretary of State acting in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (5) of that rule, finds a graver offence against discipline proved, they or he shall make one or more of the following awards:–


(b)forfeiture for any period of any of the privileges under rule 7 of these Rules;

(c)stoppage of earnings for a period not exceeding 56 days;

(d)confinement to a cell or room for a period not exceeding 56 days;

(e)forfeiture of remission of a period not exceeding 180 days, except in the case of an offence of mutiny or incitement to mutiny or doing gross personal violence to an officer when an award of forfeiture of remission may be of a period exceeding 180 days.