The Young Offender Institution Rules 1988

Graver offences

54.—(1) Where an inmate is charged with any of the following offences against discipline:–

(a)mutiny or incitement to mutiny,

(b)doing gross personal violence to an officer or to any other person, or

(c)assaulting an officer,

the governor shall, unless he dismisses the charge, forthwith inform the Secretary of State and shall, unless otherwise directed by him, refer the charge to the board of visitors.

(2) Where an inmate is charged with any serious or repeated offence against discipline for which the awards the governor can make seem insufficient, the governor may, after investigation, refer the charge to the board of visitors.

(3) Where a charge is referred to the board of visitors under this rule, the chairman thereof shall summon a special meeting at which not more than 5 nor fewer than 2 members shall be present.

(4) The board so constituted shall inquire into the charge, and, if they find the offence proved, shall, subject to the provisions of rule 60(ii) of these Rules, make one or more of the following awards:–


(b)forfeiture for a period not exceeding 28 days of any of the privileges under rule 7 of these Rules;

(c)removal for a period not exceeding 28 days from any particular activity or activities of the young offender institution, other than, training courses, work, education and physical education in accordance with rules 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 of these Rules;

(d)extra work outside the normal working week for a period not exceeding 28 days and for not more than 2 hours on any day;

(e)stoppage of earnings for a period not exceeding 28 days;

(f)confinement to a cell or room for a period not exceeding 7 days;

(g)removal from his wing or living unit for a period not exceeding 28 days;

(h)forfeiture of remission of a period not exceeding, in the case of a charge referred to the board under paragraph (1) of this rule, 180 days, and in the case of a charge so referred under paragraph (2) of this rule, 90 days.

(5) The Secretary of State may require any charge to which this rule applies to be referred to him, instead of to the board of visitors, and in that case an officer of the Secretary of State (not being an officer of a young offender institution) shall inquire into the charge and, if he finds the offence proved, shall, subject to the provisions of rule 60(ii) of these Rules, make one or more of the awards listed in paragraph (4) of this rule.