The Fresh Meat Export (Hygiene and Inspection) (Scotland) Regulations 1987

PART IVdetailed instructions swine

1.  In the case of swine the inspection shall include in particular an examination of –

(a)the head, the throat, the surface of the tongue, the mouth and the fauces; the submaxillary lymph nodes shall be examined in detail;

(b)the lungs, the trachea and oesophagus; the trachea and the main branches of the bronchi shall be opened lengthwise and the lungs shall be incised in their posterior third, at right angles to their main axes (save that the lungs need not be incised if they are to be excluded from human consumption); the bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes shall be examined and palpated;

(c)the pericardium, which shall be opened, and the heart; the latter shall be incised lengthwise so as to open the ventricles and to cut through the intra-ventricular septum;

(d)the diaphragm;

(e)the surfaces and substance of the liver and the hepatic lymph nodes; the hepatic lymph nodes shall be palpated;

(f)the alimentary tract, the mesentery and the gastric, pancreatic and mesenteric lymph nodes; the gastric and mesenteric lymph nodes shall be palpated and, if an official veterinary surgeon or inspector considers it necessary, examined in detail;

(g)the surface of the spleen;

(h)the kidneys (save that in the case of swine not intended for export examination of the kidneys shall not be compulsory); if an official veterinary surgeon or inspector considers it necessary the kidneys shall be incised and the renal lymph nodes examined in detail;

(i)the pleura and the peritoneum;

(j)the genital organs;

(k)the udder and the supramammary lymph nodes; in the case of sows the supramammary lymph nodes shall be examined in detail;

(l)the umbilical region and joints of young animals which shall be palpated; where an official veterinary surgeon or inspector considers it necessary the umbilical region shall be incised and the joints shall be opened;

(m)the feet, if an official veterinary surgeon or inspector considers it necessary.

2.  An investigation for cysticercus cellulosae shall be carried out which shall include examination of the directly visible muscular surfaces, in particular the thigh muscles, the pillars of the diaphragm, the intercostal muscles, the heart, tongue and larynx; if an official veterinary surgeon or inspector considers it necessary, both the abdominal wall and the psoas muscles, freed from fatty tissue, shall be examined.

3.  If an abscess is found in the carcase or in any organ of any swine, or if an official veterinary surgeon or inspector has reason to suspect the presence of any such abscess, he shall require the carcase to be split through the spinal column if it has not already been so split and shall examine in detail such of the following lymph nodes as he has not already so examined: superficial inguinal, supramammary, cervical, prepectoral, prescapular, presternal, sublumbar, iliac, precrural and, if he considers it necessary, the popliteal.

4.  Where evidence of tuberculosis is found, an official veterinary surgeon or inspector shall –

(a)split the carcase, examine the vertebrae, ribs, sternum, spinal cord and brain, expose and incise the kidneys;

(b)examine in detail such of the following lymph nodes as he has not already so examined: superficial inguinal, cervical, prepectoral, prescapular, subdorsal, sublumbar, iliac, precrural and, if he considers it necessary, the popliteal.