

2.  In addition the slaughterhouse shall have –

(a)a suitable, sufficient and separate room or rooms exclusively reserved for the storage of hides, skins, horns, hooves, swine bristles and fat not intended for human consumption;

(b)suitable, sufficient and separate accommodation capable of being securely locked for the slaughter and dressing of any animal which is diseased or injured or suspected of being diseased or injured, save that such accommodation need not be provided if –

(i)such diseased animals are slaughtered after completion of the slaughter of animals whose meat is intended for export;

(ii)steps are taken to prevent contamination of such meat;

(iii)the premises are cleaned and disinfected under official supervision before being used again for the slaughtering of animals intended for export; and

(iv)suitable and sufficient facilities are provided for the introduction of the carcase of an injured animal into the slaughterhall in a manner which will not prejudice the hygienic operation of the slaughterhouse;

(c)a suitable and sufficiently large refrigerated room for the cooling of and for the exclusive storage of meat prepared in an export approved slaughterhouse; the room shall be equipped with corrosion resistant fittings capable of preventing meat coming into contact with the floors and walls and, where a room is used to store meat already cooled, it shall also have a recording thermometer or recording telethermometer;

(d)a suitable, sufficiently large and adequately equipped room or rooms capable of being securely locked for the exclusive use of the official veterinary surgeon and inspectors, having regard to the number of such persons employed;

(e)sufficient and adequately equipped showers which are for the use of persons working in the slaughterhouse and are situated near the accommodation where such persons may change their clothes;

(f)facilities which will enable the inspections provided for in these Regulations to be carried out efficiently;

(g)means of controlling access to and exit from the slaughterhouse;

(h)where necessary, adequate means of steam extraction in rooms where work on meat is undertaken;

(i)a place and adequate equipment for cleansing and disinfecting vehicles;

(j)doors and door frames made of a hard wearing, non-corrodible material or, if made of wood, faced on both sides with a smooth, impermeable covering;

(k)facilities for the hygienic handling and protection of meat during loading and unloading;

(l)insulation materials which are rotproof and odourless;

(m)a separate room or rooms capable of being securely locked for the retention of meat rejected as being unfit for human consumption; except that where such meat is removed as often as may be necessary and at least daily and the quantities are not sufficient to require the provision of a separate room or rooms, then suitable and sufficient receptacles shall be provided which are capable of being securely locked; such receptacles shall be used only for holding meat rejected as being unfit for human consumption and shall be clearly marked to that effect; and any chutes used to transport meat to such receptacles shall be so constructed and installed as to enable them to be kept clean and avoid the risk of contamination of the fresh meat;

(n)suitable refrigeration equipment which will enable the internal temperature of the meat to be maintained at the level prescribed in Schedule 7; such equipment shall include drainage which must present no risk of contamination of the meat;

(o)in the accommodation where persons working in the slaughterhouse may change their clothes, surfaces of walls and floors which are smooth, washable and impermeable;

(p)on all hand washing facilities in changing rooms and rooms associated with the sanitary conveniences, taps which are not operable by hand or arm;

(q)in the lairage, walls and floors which are durable, impermeable, and easy to clean and disinfect;

(r)a suitable, sufficient and separate room exclusively reserved for the preparation and cleaning of offal other than the emptying and cleaning of stomachs and intestines and the dressing of guts and tripe and which includes a separate area for heads at a sufficient distance from other offal where these operations are carried out in the slaughterhouse other than on the slaughterline;

(s)a suitable and separate place for the packaging of offal in accordance with the requirements of Part II of Schedule 12.