The Registration of Births and Deaths Regulations 1987

Entry of particulars on registration within three months from date of birth

9.—(1) Where the relevant registrar receives from any qualified informant before the expiration of three months from the date of the birth of a child information of the particulars required by Regulation 7(1) he shall forthwith register the birth and the particulars, if not previously registered, in the presence of the informant on form 1, entering the particulars required in spaces 1 to 13 in accordance, where applicable, with the following provisions of this Regulation.

(2) With respect to space 1 (date and place of birth), if more than one living child is born at the confinement the registrar shall after the date of birth enter the time of birth.

(3) With respect to space 2 (name and surname)–

(a)if a name is not given, the registrar shall enter only the surname, preceded by a horizontal line;

(b)the surname to be entered shall be the surname by which at the date of the registration of the birth it is intended that the child shall be known.

(4) With respect to space 4 (father’s name and surname)–

(a)if, other than in a case to which sub-paragraph (b) applies, the father acquired after the child’s birth a name or surname different from that borne by him at the date of the birth, the registrar shall (subject to section 10 of the Act(1)) enter in space 4 the name and surname as at the date of the birth, followed by the name and surname as at the date of registration preceded by the word “now” or, if the father is deceased, the name and surname at his death preceded by the word “afterwards”;

(b)in the case of a request made by the mother under section 10(c) of the Act, the registrar shall enter in space 4 the name and surname of the putative father as recorded in the certified copy of the order made under section 4 of the Affiliation Proceedings Act 1957(2) which was produced to him by the mother.

(5) With respect to spaces 5 and 6 (father’s place of birth and occupation)–

(a)in a case to which section 10 of the Act applies, the registrar shall not complete spaces 5 and 6 unless the name and surname of the father of the child have been entered in space 4 pursuant to that section;

(b)if the father was deceased at the date of the birth the registrar shall enter below the particulars in space 6 the word “deceased”;

(c)if the father has changed his occupation since the birth of the child, the registrar shall in space 6 after the occupation as at the date of the birth enter the occupation as at the date of registration preceded by the word “now”.

(6) With respect to space 7 (mother’s name and surname)–

(a)if after the birth of the child the mother acquired a name or surname different from that borne by her at the date of the birth, the registrar shall enter the name and surname as at the date of the birth, followed by the name and surname as at the date of registration preceded by the word “now” or, if the mother is deceased, the name and surname as at her death preceded by the word “afterwards”;

(b)if the mother was in gainful employment (including self-employment) before the birth and at the time of the registration of the birth particulars of that employment are given by the informant the registrar shall enter those particulars immediately below her name and surname.

(7) With respect to space 9(b) (mother’s surname at marriage if married more than once) the surname to be entered shall be that in which the mother contracted her most recent marriage except that if that surname is the same as that entered in space 9(a) (maiden surname) a line shall be drawn through space 9(b).

(8) With respect to space 13 (informant’s usual address)–

(a)the address required shall be the address as at the date of registration of the birth;

(b)if in pursuance of section 10(a) of the Act an entry has been made in respect of the father of the child, the registrar shall enter the father’s address followed by the mother’s address if different;

(c)except as provided by sub-paragraph (b), the registrar shall not enter the address of the informant if that address is the same as the mother’s usual address.

(9) After completing spaces 1 to 13 of the entry the registrar shall call upon the informant to verify the particulars entered.

(10) If any error has been made in those particulars, the registrar shall, in the presence of the informant, make the necessary correction as provided in regulation 54.


Section 10 was amended by section 27(1) of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 (c. 46) and by section 93(1) of the Children Act 1975 (c. 72).


1957 c. 55. Section 4 was amended by section 1(1) and (2) of the Affiliation Proceedings (Amendment) Act 1972 (c. 49) and by section 50 of the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates' Courts Act 1978 (c. 22).