Dental Auxiliaries Regulations 1986

18.—(1) Where the name of an enrolled dental auxiliary has been removed from a roll under Part IV of these regulations any application for its restoration to the roll shall be made in writing addressed to the Registrar and signed by the applicant, stating the grounds on which the application is made.

(2) The application shall contain the names and addresses of two or more persons, of whom two shall be Justices of the Peace, or ministers of religion, or registered medical practitioners, or registered dentists, or dental auxiliaries whose names have been enrolled for five years or more, or other persons of standing, able and willing to identify the applicant and give evidence as to his character and the nature of his employment both before and since the date of the removal of his name. The Registrar may invite any of the persons aforesaid to furnish information, to be received in confidence, as to the character and conduct of the applicant both before and since the date of the removal of his name.

(3) The Registrar shall thereafter refer the application to the chairman of the Committee, who may require the applicant to support by a statutory declaration any statement made in his application or any further statement which he may think necessary. Subject to the next following paragraph he shall then refer the application to the Committee and shall advise the applicant of his right to attend in person at a meeting of the Committee (the date of which will be notified to him) at which the application will be considered.

(4) The chairman shall not refer to the Committee and the Committee shall not consider any application made within five months from the date of erasure or from the date of any previous application.