
Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Police Federation (Amendment) Regulations 1986 and shall come into operation on 1st December 1986.


2.  In these Regulations “the principal Regulations” means the Police Federation Regulations 1969(1).

Elections to and removal from branch boards

3.—(1) There shall be substituted for paragraphs (8) and (9) of Regulation 6 of the principal Regulations (branch boards) the following provisions:—

(8) Elections for the purposes of this Regulation shall be held as soon as practicable after the coming into operation of this paragraph, at any time in 1989 and in every third year thereafter.

(9) A person becoming a member of a branch board shall, subject to any rules made under paragraph 5(1)(b) of Schedule 3, become such on the first day of the month following that in which elections are held under this Regulation and, subject to paragraph (10), shall remain a member until the end of the month in which the next following elections are held under this Regulation.

(9A) A person who was a member of a branch board immediately before 1st December 1986 shall, subject as aforesaid, remain a member until the end of the month in which elections are first held after that date..

(2) In Regulation 6(10) of the principal Regulations, there shall be inserted after the words “A person shall cease to be a member of an inspectors', sergeants' or constables' branch board if” the words “he is removed from office in accordance with Schedule 6, or if”.

(3) For Regulation 7(2) of the principal Regulations there shall be substituted the following provision:—

(2) Each branch board shall hold a quarterly meeting in January each year, which meeting is in these Regulations referred to as the annual meeting..

Removal from liaison committees

4.  There shall be inserted at the end of Regulation 8 of the principal Regulations (liaison committees) the following provision:—

(7) A person shall cease to be a member of a liaison committee if he is removed from office in accordance with Schedule 6..

Elections to and removal from conferences arrangements committee

5.—(1) There shall be inserted after paragraph (3) of Regulation 11 of the principal Regulations (conferences arrangements committee) the following provision:—

(3A) Elections shall be held for the purposes of this Regulation in May 1987, at any time in 1990 and in every third year thereafter and a person elected as a member of the conferences arrangements committee under this Regulation shall, subject to paragraph (4), remain a member until the date of the next following elections under this Regulation..

(2) In paragraph (4) of the said Regulation 11 there shall be inserted after the words “A person shall cease to be a member of the conferences arrangements committee” the words “if he is removed from office in accordance with Schedule 6 or”.

Elections to and removal from central committees

6.—(1) There shall be inserted after paragraph (2) of Regulation 12 of the principal Regulations (central committees) the following provision:—

(2A) Elections shall be held for the purposes of this Regulation in May 1987, at any time in 1990 and in every third year thereafter and a person elected as a member of a central committee under this Regulation shall, subject to paragraph (4), remain a member until the date of the next following elections under this Regulation..

(2) There shall be inserted at the end of the said Regulation 12 the following provision:—

(4) A person shall cease to be a member of a central committee if he is removed from office in accordance with Schedule 6 or if he ceases to be eligible to be a delegate to the inspectors', sergeants' or, as the case may be, constables' central conference..

Procedure for removal from office

7.  There shall be inserted after Schedule 5 to the principal Regulations the following provision:—


1.  This Schedule shall apply in relation to the removal from office of a member of any of the following bodies (hereafter in this Schedule referred to as “specified bodies”):—

2.  A motion for the removal from office of a person under this Schedule shall be sent to the secretary of specified body in question and shall—

(a)be signed by at least one-third of those qualified to elect the person in question to the specified body in question (“the electorate”); and

(b)contain a statement of the grounds on which those signing the motion consider that that person should be removed from office.

3.  On receipt of a motion in accordance with paragraph 2, the secretary shall forthwith send a copy thereof to the person in question and invite him to supply in writing, within 14 days, his comments thereon.

4.  At the expiry of the said 14 days, the secretary shall send a copy of the motion, and the comments, if any, thereon of the person in question, to each member of the electorate and shall arrange for the members of the electorate to vote on the motion.

5.  If a majority of the members of the electorate voting thereon vote in favour of the motion the person in question shall cease to be a member of the specified body in question.

6.  An election shall forthwith be held to fill any vacancy created by the removal of a person under this schedule, and a person so removed shall be entitled to be a candidate for office at such an election..

Douglas Hurd

One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State

Home Office

27th October 1986