These regulations modify section 9(3)(b) of the Forestry Act 1967 which contains an exception to the requirement (in section 9(1) of that Act) of a felling licence granted by the Forestry Commissioners for the felling of growing trees in Great Britain. Other exceptions to this requirement are specified in subsections (2), (3)(a) and (4), and in regulations under subsection (5), of section 9 as amended.

In the case of trees felled by a person on land in his occupation, or occupied by a tenant of his, the aggregate cubic content of trees (excluding any that are otherwise exempted from the requirement of a felling licence) which may be felled without a licence in any quarter is reduced by the present regulations from 30 cubic metres to 5 cubic metres, and the aggregate cubic content of the trees so felled which may be sold by that person in any quarter is reduced from 5.5 cubic metres to 2 cubic metres.