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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1984 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
House of Commons Member’s Fund Resolution 19841984 No. 2065UK Statutory Instruments
The Anglian Water Authority (Variation of the Longstanton and Swavesey Awards) Order 19841984 No. 2064UK Statutory Instruments
The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 19841984 No. 2063 (S. 163)UK Statutory Instruments
The Capital Allowances (Vehicles for the Disabled) (Similar Payments) Order 19841984 No. 2060UK Statutory Instruments
The Prison (Scotland) Amendment Rules 19841984 No. 2058 (S. 162)UK Statutory Instruments
The Slaughter of Poultry (Humane Conditions) Regulations 19841984 No. 2056UK Statutory Instruments
The Welsh Water Authority (Treforest Industrial Estate) Order 19841984 No. 2051UK Statutory Instruments
The Delyn (Communities) Order 19841984 No. 2049UK Statutory Instruments
The Land Authority for Wales (Compensation for Premature Retirement) Regulations 19841984 No. 2048UK Statutory Instruments
The Remuneration of Teachers (Further Education) (Amendment) Order 19841984 No. 2043UK Statutory Instruments
The Immigration Appeals (Procedure) Rules 19841984 No. 2041UK Statutory Instruments
The Immigration Appeals (Notices) Regulations 19841984 No. 2040UK Statutory Instruments
The Statutory Sick Pay Up-rating Order 19841984 No. 2037UK Statutory Instruments
The Crown Agents Commencing Capital Debt Order 19841984 No. 2036UK Statutory Instruments
The Court of Protection Rules 19841984 No. 2035UK Statutory Instruments
The Supplementary Benefit (Requirements) Amendment and Temporary Provisions Regulations 19841984 No. 2034UK Statutory Instruments
The Restrictive Trade Practices (Approval of Standards and Arrangements) Order 19841984 No. 2031UK Statutory Instruments
The Nairn and Inverness Districts (Croy) Boundaries Amendment Order 19841984 No. 2030 (S. 161)UK Statutory Instruments
The Police Cadets (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19841984 No. 2029 (S. 160)UK Statutory Instruments
The Teachers' Superannuation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19841984 No. 2028 (S. 159)UK Statutory Instruments

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