The Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983

Funeral grants

40.—(1) Subject to the following provisions of this Article, where a civil defence volunteer has died as the direct result of a war service injury and his funeral is carried out privately at the expense of any person, a funeral grant not exceeding the amount specified in Schedule 4, paragraph 12, may be awarded in respect of the expense incurred by that person.

(2) Subject to the following provisions of this Article, where a gainfully occupied person has died as a direct result of a war injury and his funeral is carried out privately at the expense of the widow or dependant widower of that person, or of a relative of that person who at the date of his death was wholly or mainly maintained by him in his home, a funeral grant not exceeding the amount specified as aforesaid may be awarded in respect of the expense incurred by the widow, dependent widower or relative,

(3) A funeral grant under this Article shall be reduced by the amount of any payment out of public funds which has been or will be made in respect of the expenses incurred in connection with the funeral.

(4) In this Article, “dependent widowerincludes a person who would be a dependent widower if, for the references in Article 2(9) to the material date, there were substituted references to the date of the injured person's death.