The Agriculture and Horticulture Development (Amendment) Regulations 1983

5.  Immediately after the entries numbered 13 in the Schedule thereto (eligible works, facilities and transactions and rates of grant) there shall be inserted the following entries in Columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 of that Schedule:—


13A. Replacement of apple orchards (other than apple orchards consisting of trees producing cider apples) which have been grubbed up after 7th November 1982 by an equal or smaller area of apple orchards consisting of—

(i) the varieties of apple trees known as Cox's Orange Pippin apple, Bramley's Seedling apple or Spartan apple;

(ii) any other named varieties of apple trees required for pollination (other than varieties producing cider apples) not exceeding in total one third of the number of trees of the varieties specified in sub-paragraph (i);

(iii) any species of crab apple tree and any hybrid varieties of crab apple tree required for pollination.


13B. Replacement of pear orchards (other than pear orchards consisting of trees producing perry pears) which have been grubbed up after 7th November 1982 by an equal or smaller area of pear orchards consisting of—

(i) the varieties of pear trees known as Conference pear or Doyenne du Comice pear;

(ii) any other named varieties of pear trees required for pollination (other than varieties producing perry pears) not exceeding in total one third of the number of trees of the varieties specified in sub-paragraph (i).”
