The Measuring Equipment (Liquid Fuel delivered from Road Tankers) Regulations 1983

64.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) below, for the purposes of these Regulations the obliteration of any one stamp on any measuring equipment shall be deemed to be the obliteration of all other stamps on that equipment except where the stamp has been lawfully obliterated under Regulation 65 or 66 below.

(2) Where a stamp is obliterated on a dipstick, this Regulation shall not apply so as to prevent the use of a spare or replacement dipstick for measuring the quantity of fuel in the compartment to which the first- mentioned dipstick relates.

(3) Where a stamp on that part of a contents gauging system relating to one container only is obliterated, this Regulation shall not apply so as to prevent the system or any other contents gauging system being used for measuring the quantity of liquid fuel in the other containers on the same road tanker.