The Food (Revision of Penalties) Regulations 1982

Offences under pre-1956 regulations and orders

4.—(1) The Public Health (Imported Milk) Regulations 1926 are hereby amended—

(a)by inserting as regulation 8 the regulation set out in Part I of Schedule 3 to these regulations, and

(b)by inserting as regulation 9 the regulation set out in Part II of the said Schedule 3.

(2) The Public Health (Shell-Fish) Regulations 1934 (1) are hereby amended—

(a)by inserting as regulation 12(2) the paragraph set out in Part III of the said Schedule 3, the present regulation 12 being consequently renumbered 12(1), and

(b)by inserting as regulation 14 the regulation set out in Part II of the said Schedule 3.

(3) The Food Standards (General Provisions) Order 1944(2) is hereby amended—

(a)by inserting as article 2A the article set out in Part IV of the said Schedule 3, there being inserted in place of “X” in that article the figure “1”;

(b)by substituting for article 5 the article set out in Part V of the said Schedule 3; and

(c)by deleting article 8.

(4) The Offals in Meat Products Order 1953 is hereby amended—

(a)by inserting as article 4A the article set out in Part IV of the said Schedule 3, there being inserted in place of “X” in that article the figure “3”; and

(b)by inserting as article 6A the article set out in Part V of the said Schedule 3.


To which there is an amendment not relevant to these regulations.


Amended by S.R. & O. 1944/654.