The Zimbabwe (Independence and Membership of the Commonwealth) (Consequential Provisions) Order 1980


3.—(1) section 7 of the Evidence Act 1851 shall have effect in relation to Zimbabwe as if the references therein to a British Colony or to persons or things related thereto included a reference to a Commonwealth country and to persons and things related to a Commonwealth country.

(2) The following enactments,

  • —section 1 of the Evidence by Commission Act 1859,

  • —sections 1 and 5 of the British Law Ascertainment Act 1859, and

  • —section 1 of the Evidence (Colonial statutes) Act 1907.

shall have effect in relation to Zimbabwe as if the references therein to Her Majesty's dominions or His Majesty's dominions, or any part thereof, or to persons and things related thereto, included a reference to a Commonwealth country and to persons or things related to a Commonwealth country.