The Importation of Embryos, Ova and Semen Order 1980

Miscellaneous provisions

6.—(1) The appropriate Minister shall not pay compensation to any person in respect of any embryos, ova, semen or container destroyed under article 5 above.

(2) Any reasonable expenses arising out of or in connection with the exercise of any power conferred on a veterinary inspector by this order shall, without prejudice to any proceedings for any offence against the Act, be recoverable on demand by the appropriate Minister as a civil debt from the owner or the person in charge of the embryos, ova or semen in respect of which the power was exercised.

(3) A veterinary inspector may vary, revoke, or suspend a notice served under article 5 above by a notice in writing served on the person on whom the notice to be varied, revoked or suspended was served.

(4) For the purpose of exercising his power to seize any embryos, ova, semen or container under article 5 above a veterinary inspector may, subject to production of his certificate of appointment on demand, enter any land, premises or vehicle taking with him such persons as he considers requisite. A veterinary inspector entering under this paragraph shall, if required by the owner or the person in charge of the land, premises or vehicle state his reasons for entering.

(5) The owner or the person in charge of the embryos, ova or semen to which article 5 above applies shall give all reasonable assistance to a veterinary inspector and any person accompanying him so as to enable the powers conferred by that article to be properly exercised.