The Copyright (Hong Kong) (Amendment) Order 1979

2.  Schedule 1 to the principal Order is amended:

(a)in Part I by the deletion of all the words following “All the provisions of the Act” and the substitution of the words “, as amended by the Dramatic and Musical Performers' Protection Act 1958, the Films Act 1960, the Design Copyright Act 1968 and the Copyright (Amendment) Act 1971 except sections 28, 32, 34, 35, 42 and 55 and Schedule 5.”;

(b)in paragraph 3 of Part II (which paragraph specifies modifications in the extension of certain sections to Hong Kong):—

(i)in the entry in the table thereto relating to section 47, in the second column (Modification), by the deletion of the words “in subsection (4), “or rules” shall be omitted”;

(ii)in the entry in the said table relating to Schedule 7, by the deletion of all the words in the second column and the substitution of the following—

Paragraphs 26, 40 and 41 shall be omitted.;

(iii)by the insertion in the said table in the appropriate place (having regard to numerical order) of the entries in the following table:—

Section 23

For subsection (2) there shall be substituted the following:—

(2) The tribunal shall consist of a chairman who shall be a person qualified for appointment as a District Judge under section 5 of the District Court Ordinance (Chapter 336), and of not less than 2 not more than 4 other members, all of whom shall be appointed from time to time by the Governor.;

for subsections (5) and (6) there shall be substituted the following:—

(5) There shall be a clerk to the tribunal who shall be appointed by the Governor.


(6) The remuneration of the chairman and other members of the tribunal and of the clerk to the tribunal shall be determined by the Governor and shall be payable out of the general revenue of the Colony.;

subsection (7) shall be omitted.

Section 24

For subsection (3)(c) there shall be substituted the following:—

(c)in relation to such licences as are mentioned in paragraph (c) of the last preceding subsection, means a licensee under the Television Ordinance (Chapter 52):.

Section 30

For subsection (6) there shall be substituted the following:—

(6) In this section “the court” means the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong..

Schedule 4

In paragraph 1(2), for “Board of Trade, or, in the case of the chairman of the tribunal, to the Lord Chancellor,” there shall be substituted “Governor”;

in paragraph 1(3), for “Board of Trade, or, in the case of the chairman of the tribunal, the Lord Chancellor,” there shall be substituted “Governor”;

in paragraph 2, for “Board of Trade, or, in the case of the chairman of the tribunal, the Lord Chancellor,” there shall be substituted “Governor”;

in paragraph 6(1) for “Lord Chancellor” there shall be substituted “Chief Justice”, and “, subject to the approval of the Treasury,” shall be omitted;

for paragraph 6(2) there shall be substituted the following:—

(2) Any such rules may apply in relation to the tribunal any of the provisions of the Arbitration Ordinance (Chapter 341)..