


Concessionary Coal

15.—(1) The Secretary of State may pay to the Board the full costs incurred on or after 26th March 1978 in providing concessionary coal (or making payments in lieu of such provision) to or in respect of any person mentioned in paragraph (3) who on the relevant date has attained the age of 55 but has not attained the age of 60, until he has attained the age of 60, and after he has attained the age of 60 half the costs so incurred; and one half of any such costs incurred in relation to any person mentioned in paragraph (3) who on the relevant date has attained the age of 60.

(2) In making such provision the Board shall take into account the rate at which that person would have received concessionary coal under the national or local arrangements applicable to that person (and subject to any qualification not relating to age contained therein) if on that person's relevant date he had left the employment of the Board because he had reached his normal retiring age.

(3) The persons referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) are—

(a)any person who is or has been eligible for payments under the Scheme contained in Part 1 of this Schedule or any of the former Schemes; and

(b)any other employee of the Board or of any of their subsidiaries whose standard conditions of employment are embodied in the statement of standard conditions of employment of non-industrial staff prepared by the Board or by that subsidiary in pursuance of section 4 of the Contracts of Employment Act 1963 who on the relevant date was employed at a coal mine or at a prescribed place,

provided that each such employee or person—

(i)became redundant for the reasons contained in Article 3(a);

(ii)was eligible on 11th December 1972 for weekly payments under any of the former Schemes or, if not so eligible, when he became a redundant person the relevant date fell between 14th December 1969 and 29th March 1981;

(iii)on the relevant date had attained the age of 55 and had not attained the age of 65; and

(iv)is not a person to whom the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1(1)(viii) of Schedule 2 to the Coal Industry Act 1977 apply.

(4) The amount of any such payments under this scheme shall be determined in such a manner as may be agreed between the Secretary of State and the Board with the approval of the Treasury and shall be certified by the Board's auditors.