The Medicines (Radioactive Substances) Order 1978

Article 2


1.  Interstitial and intracavitary appliances (other than nuclear powered cardiac pacemakers) which contain or are to contain a radioactive substance sealed in a container (otherwise than solely for the purpose of storage, transport or disposal) or bonded solely within material and including the immediate container or bonding that are designed to be inserted into the human body or body cavities.

2.  Surface applicators, that is to say plates, plaques and ophthalmic applicators which contain or are to contain a radioactive substance sealed in a container (otherwise than solely for the purpose of storage, transport or disposal) or bonded solely within material and including the immediate container or bonding that are designed to be brought into contact with the human body.

3.  Any apparatus capable of administering neutrons to human beings when the neutrons are administered in order to generate a radioactive substance in the person to whom they are administered for the purpose of diagnosis or research.

4.  Other substances or articles (not being an instrument, apparatus or appliance) which consist of or contain or generate a radioactive substance and which—

(a)consist of or contain or generate that substance in order, when administered, to utilise the radiation emitted therefrom, and

(b)are manufactured, sold or supplied for use wholly or mainly by being administered to one or more human beings solely by way of a test for ascertaining what effects it has when so administered.