

3.  An application to the Commission to register a claim in accordance with the provisions of this Order may be made by or on behalf of any person who on the date on which this Order comes into operation is a United Kingdom national and who is beneficially entitled to the property to which the claim relates or who would have been so entitled but for confiscation, nationalisation, expropriation or dispossession.

4.  The Commission shall register any claim in respect of which an application containing the information specified in Article 5 of this Order has been received under the provisions of Article 3 of this Order and which is:—

(1) a claim in respect of property which was in the territory on 8th May 1945 and which on that date was not owned by a German national; or

(2) a claim in respect of property in the territory other than property to which paragraph (1) above refers and of which the owner, being a United Kingdom national at the time of deprivation, has subsequent to 8 May 1945 been deprived of the ownership or enjoyment by confiscation, nationalisation, expropriation or dispossession.

5.  An application made under Article 3 of this Order shall contain the following information:—

(1) in relation to a claim specified in Article 4 paragraph (1) of this Order:

(a)the nationality on 8th May 1945 of the person by or on whose behalf the application is made or of his predecessor in title; and

(b)the location, condition and value of the property and, in the case of a debt, the debtor his nationality and place of residence on 8th May 1945 and on the date of the application insofar as such matters are known to the person by or on whose behalf the application is made;

(2) in relation to a claim specified in Article 4 paragraph (2) of this Order:

—the location, condition and value of the property and, in the case of a debt, the debtor his nationality and place of residence at the date of deprivation and at the date of the application insofar as such matters are known to the person by or on whose behalf the application is made;

(3) in relation to any claim specified in Article 4 of this Order, the amount and source of any compensation or payment received in respect of the claim at any time, whether by the person by or on whose behalf the application is made or by any other person.

6.  An application shall not be entertained under this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before 30th January 1976.

7.  The Commission shall report, in such manner as Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs may direct, upon any claims registered in accordance with the provisions of this Order.

8.  In exercising their functions under this Order the Commission shall act in their administrative capacity.