The Police (Compensation) Regulations 1974

Special factors relating to calculation of amount of resettlement compensation

9.—(1) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of Regulation 8, if the loss of office takes place within 3 years of the date on which he would have become entitled to retire with an ordinary pension under the Police Pensions Regulations, the amount shall be reduced by the fraction of which—

(a)the denominator is 6, and

(b)the numerator is the number of complete periods of 6 months in the period beginning with the date 3 years before that on which he would have become so entitled and ending on the date of loss of office;

but the amount payable to a person who, on the material date, has not been continuously engaged in relevant employments as described in Regulation 12(1)(c) shall not by this paragraph be reduced to less than the equivalent of 13 weeks' emoluments.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (b) of Regulation 8—

(a)in the case of a person who has completed more than 20 years' reckonable service, only the period of 20 years immediately prior to the loss of employment shall be taken into account, and

(b)if the loss of office takes place within the period of one year prior to the date on which the person would have attained the age of compulsory retirement the amount shall be reduced by the fraction of which the denominator is 12 and of which the numerator is the number of whole months in the period commencing at the beginning of the said period of one year and ending with the date of loss of office.

(3) For the purposes of this Regulation and the preceding Regulation, the weekly rate of emoluments shall be deemed to be seven-three hundred and sixty-fifths of the annual rate of emoluments.