The Police (Compensation) Regulations 1974

Retirement compensation for diminution of emoluments

21.—(1) A person to whom these Regulations apply and who has suffered a diminution of his emoluments shall be entitled to receive retirement compensation in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

(2) The provisions of Regulations 19 and 20 shall apply to any such person as if he had suffered loss of office immediately before the diminution occurred; but the amount of retirement compensation payable shall be the amount which would have been payable in respect of loss of office multiplied by a fraction of which—

(a)the numerator is the amount by which his pensionable emoluments have been diminished, and

(b)the denominator is the amount of his pensionable emoluments immediately before they were diminished;

but in calculating, for the purpose of Regulation 19 or 20, the amount of a pension under the Police Pensions Regulations, no account shall be taken of any provision of those Regulations by which a pension would be reduced beyond the age of 65 years or, in the case of a woman, 60 years.