The Agriculture (Maintenance, Repair and Insurance of Fixed Equipment) Regulations 1973

Citation and commencement

1.  These regulations may be cited as the Agriculture (Maintenance, Repair and Insurance of Fixed Equipment) Regulations 1973, and shall come into operation on 29th September 1974.


2.  The Interpretation Act 1889 shall apply for the interpretation of these regulations as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if these regulations and the regulations hereby revoked were Acts of Parliament.

Incorporation of provisions in tenancy agreements

3.  The provisions set forth in the Schedule hereto relating to the maintenance, repair and insurance of fixed equipment shall be deemed to be incorporated in every contract of tenancy of an agricultural holding, whether made before or after the commencement of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1948, except in so far as they would impose on one of the parties to an agreement in writing a liability which under the agreement is imposed on the other:

Provided that where the interest of the landlord is held for the purposes of a Government department, or where a person representing Her Majesty or the Duke of Cornwall under section 87 of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1948 is deemed to be the landlord, or where the landlord has made provision approved by the Minister for defraying the cost of any such works of repair or replacement as are referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(b) of paragraph 2 of the Schedule hereto, the provision of sub-paragraph (1)(a) of the said paragraph 2 requiring the landlord to insure against loss or damage by fire shall not apply.


4.  The Agriculture (Maintenance, Repair and Insurance of Fixed Equipment) Regulations 1948(1) are hereby revoked.

In witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on 17th August 1973.


Joseph Godber

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food