The European Communities (Definition of Treaties) Order 1973


1.  Agreement between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the other part, signed at Brussels on 14 May 1973. (Cmnd. 5347).

2.  Decision of 22 January 1973 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting in the Council, establishing supervision of imports of certain products originating in Austria.

3.  Decision of 22 January 1973 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting in the Council, establishing supervision of imports of certain products originating in Sweden.

4.  An Exchange of Letters dated 22 July 1972 between the Head of the United Kingdom Delegation to the European Communities and the Head of the Austrian Delegation to the European Communities on duty-free quotas for imports of paper products. (Cmnd. 5159).

5.  An Exchange of Letters dated 22 July 1972 and 22 August 1972 between the Head of the United Kingdom Delegation to the European Communities and the Acting Head of the Swiss Delegation to the European Communities on duty-free quotas for imports of paper products. (Cmnd. 5181).

6.  An Exchange of Letters dated 22 July 1972 between the Head of the United Kingdom Delegation to the European Communities and the Head of the Swedish Delegation to the European Communities on duty-free quotas for imports of paper products. (Cmnd. 5180).