The Wireless Telegraphy (Control of Interference from Ignition Apparatus) Regulations 1973

THE SCHEDULEDetails of Measuring Site and Test Procedure

Measuring Site

1.  The site to be used for testing for the purpose of Regulation 5 shall conform to the specification set out in paragraph 3.2 of British Standard 833: 1970 “Specification for Radio Interference Limits and Measurements for the Electrical Ignition Systems of Internal Combustion Engines”.

Test Procedure

2.—(1) The test shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraphs 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 of British Standard 833: 1970.

(2) Where ignition apparatus is being tested for the purpose of Regulation 3, it shall be tested as installed in the engine. If the engine is to form part of a vehicle, vessel or equipment which is to be sold or let on hire by the assembler or importer, the test shall be made with the engine installed in the vehicle, vessel or equipment.

(3) Where ignition apparatus is being tested for the purpose of Regulation 4, it shall be tested under normal conditions of installation. Where apparatus mentioned in Regulation 4(1)(b) is being tested for the purpose of that Regulation it shall be tested under normal conditions of installation and use.