This Order exempts from the restrictions imposed by Part II of the Medicines Act 1968 certain dealings and activities concerned with medicinal products. Article 2 provides for procuring the manufacture of stocks of certain medicinal products by practitioners and pharmacists without the need of a product licence. Article 3 exempts from the requirements to hold a product licence in the case of the sale or supply of certain medicinal products the persons who in the course of their business will not resell those products but will use them exclusively for the purpose of administering them to other persons. Article 4 provides for certain exemptions from the need to hold certificates or product licences in relation to clinical trials or medicinal tests on animals. The Order (in Article 5) also varies the provisions of Article 2 of the Medicines (Exemption from Licences) (Special and Transitional Cases) Order 1971 consequential upon the exemptions conferred by Article 2 of this Order. The other variation in Article 5 is of a minor character.