The Rules of the Supreme Court (Amendment No. 2) 1972

3.  Order 59 shall be amended as follows:—

(1) In rule 5(1)(b) the words “impressed with the appropriate judicature fee stamp or” shall be omitted.

(2) In rule 5(5), sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) shall be omitted and sub-paragraphs (e) and (f) shall be re-lettered accordingly.

(3) The following paragraph shall be substituted for paragraph (2A) of rule 16:—

(2A) The notice of appeal shall be served on the appropriate registrar as well as on the party or parties required to be served under rule 3.

(4) In rule 16(3) for the words from “leave with” to “fee stamp or” there shall be substituted the words “produce to the chief registrar of the Chancery Division a sealed copy of the decree appealed against and leave with him a copy of that decree and two copies of the notice of appeal (one of which shall be”.

(5) In rule 16(4) the words from the beginning to “registrar; and” shall be omitted.

(6) In rule 16(5) for the words “the clerk of the rules” there shall be substituted the words “the appropriate registrar”.

(7) For paragraph (6) of rule 16 there shall be substituted the following paragraph:—

(6) In this rule “the appropriate registrar” means

(a)in relation to a cause pending in a county court, the registrar of that court,

(b)in relation to a cause proceeding in the principal registry of the Family Division, the principal registrar of that Division, and

(c)in relation to a cause proceeding in a district registry, the registrar of that registry.

(8) At the end of rule 19 there shall be added the following paragraph:—

(7) In relation to any proceedings in the principal registry of the Family Division which by virtue of matrimonial causes rules are treated as pending in a county court, paragraphs (1) to (5) shall have effect with the necessary modifications as if the principal registry were a county court.