
Statutory Instruments

1971 No. 1744


The Hijacking Act 1971 (Guernsey) Order 1971


27th October 1971

Coming into Operation

15th November 1971

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 27th day of October 1971


The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council

Her Majesty, in exercise of the powers conferred upon Her by section 6(2) of the Hijacking Act 1971 and of all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—

1.  This Order may be cited as the Hijacking Act 1971 (Guernsey) Order 1971 and shall come into operation on 15th November 1971.

2.—(1) In this Order the expression “Guernsey” means the Bailiwick of Guernsey including, where the context so admits, the territorial waters thereof.

(2) The Interpretation Act 1889 shall apply for the purpose of the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the purpose of the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

3.  Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the Hijacking Act 1971 shall extend to Guernsey with, in the case of sections 1 and 2, the adaptations and modifications specified in the Schedule to this Order.

4.  This Order, and any Order made under section 4 of the Hijacking Act 1971, shall be registered in the Royal Court of Guernsey.

W. G. Agnew


1.  In section 1(1) and (2)(ii) for the words “the United Kingdom” there shall be substituted the word “Guernsey”.

2.  In section 1(2)(iii) there shall be inserted after the words “United Kingdom” , in each place where they occur, the words “or Guernsey”.

3.  In section 1(4)(b) for the words “the United Kingdom” there shall be substituted the word “Guernsey”.

4.  For section 2 there shall be substituted the following section:—

2.  Without prejudice to section 1 of the Tokyo Convention Act 1967 as extended to Guernsey by the Tokyo Convention Act 1967 (Guernsey) Order 1969(1) (which makes similar provision for offences on board British-controlled aircraft), where a person (of whatever nationality) does on board any aircraft (wherever registered) and while outside Guernsey any act which, if done in Guernsey would constitute the offence of murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, culpable homicide or assault, his act shall constitute that offence if it is done in connection with the offence of hijacking committed or attempted by him on board that aircraft..


This Order extends the operative provisions of the Hijacking Act 1971 to the Bailiwick of Guernsey with the adaptations and modifications set out in the Schedule to the Order.


(1969 I, p. 1687).