

Class of fireplaceConditions
1. Any fireplace specially designed or adapted for combustion of liquid fuel.

2. Any fireplace (other than a fireplace fired by pulverised fuel) constructed on or after 31st December 1956 and installed before 1st May 1970 and equipped with mechanical stokers, or adapted between those dates for use with such stokers.

3. Any fireplace designed to burn coal (other than a fireplace fired by pulverised coal) with a heating capacity exceeding 150,000 British thermal units per hour constructed and installed on or after 31st December 1956 and equipped with mechanical stokers or adapted on or after that date for use with such stokers.

No fuel shall be used other than that for which the mechanical stoker was designed.
4. The fireplace known as the Solid Fuel Ductair Unit, manufactured by Radiation Limited.
5. The fireplace known as the Fulgora Slow Combustion Stove, manufactured by Fulgora Stoves Limited.No fuel shall be used other than wood waste in clean condition.
6. The fireplace known as the Housewarmer, manufactured for the National Coal Board by Ideal Standard Limited.No fuel shall be used other than washed coal singles.
7. The fireplace known as the Wood Chip Fired Air Heater, manufactured by Air Plants Limited.No fuel shall be used other than clean wood waste of a size within the limits referred to in the manufacturer's instructions.
8. The fireplace known as the Hounsell Sawdust Burning Stove, manufactured by John Hounsell (Engineers) Limited.No fuel shall be used other than wood waste in clean condition.