
Funded schemes

3.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, this and the next two succeeding Articles shall apply to every discharged officer who at the date of his discharge has accrued pension rights under a funded scheme.

(2) In respect of a discharged officer to whom this Article applies, the responsible body may, not later than 3 months after the date of his discharge, make such arrangements with the persons administering the scheme as shall secure to him his accrued pension rights.

(3) Any arrangements made under the last foregoing paragraph may be terminated by the responsible body at any time upon giving to the persons administering the scheme 3 months' previous notice in writing.

(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any such scheme as aforesaid or any statutory provisions relating thereto or trust deeds, rules or other instruments made for the purposes thereof, the persons administering the scheme shall be authorised to make such arrangements (including the disposal of funds held for the purposes of the scheme) as are referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article and the said scheme, statutory provisions, trust deeds, rules and other instruments shall be construed accordingly and as though provision was duly made in the scheme for any arrangements so made.