
Permission to re-enter pension schemes

5.—(1) This Article shall apply to any person who—

(a)participated in an existing scheme in connection with his employment by the Commission, or by a subsidiary of the Commission, before the vesting date,

(b)before the vesting date ceased to be in such employment, and

(c)enters the employment of a nationalised transport body after the vesting date and after an intervening period not exceeding twelve months.

(2) Subject as hereinafter provided, the provisions of paragraphs (2) to (5) of Article 4 of this Order shall apply in relation to a person to whom this Article applies.

(3) For the purpose of this Article and of paragraphs (2) to (5) of Article 4 of this Order as applied by paragraph (2) of this Article (including the inpretation of any expressions therein which are defined in Article 1 of this Order)—

(a)the expression “nationalised transport body shall be deemed to include, in respect of any period before the vesting date, the Commission and any subsidiary of the Commission, and

(b)the expression “former employing body” shall, in relation to a person to whom this Article applies, mean, so far as regards anything occurring or to be done after the vesting date, the nationalised transport body which would have become the employer of that person on the vesting date had his employment by the Commission, or by a subsidiary of the Commission (as the case may be), continued from the date of its cessation until the vesting date.