The Superannuation (National Physical Laboratory and Civil Service) Transfer Rules 1957

Statutory Instruments

1957 No. 1586


The Superannuation (National Physical Laboratory and Civil Service) Transfer Rules, 1957


4th September 1957

Laid before Parliament

9th September 1957

Coming into Operation

10th September 1957

The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by section 2 of the Superannuation Act, 1957 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Rules:—

1.—(1) Where, in connection with the extension of the Government scientific service, a person was, at some time before the second day of April, nineteen hundred and eighteen, taken into the civil service of the State after having been continuously employed for a period beginning not later than the fourth day of August, nineteen hundred and fourteen, by the National Physical Laboratory, and his employment by that Laboratory was, in the opinion of the Treasury, of the same nature and for the same purpose as his employment in the service of the State, his service in employment by that Laboratory before the first day of April, nineteen hundred and eighteen, but not before he attained the age of eighteen years, not being service which is reckonable for superannuation purposes under the superannuation scheme administered by that Laboratory, shall be reckoned for the purposes of the Superannuation Acts as employment in an unestablished capacity within the meaning of section 3 of the Superannuation Act, 1935.

(2) These Rules shall not have effect so as to authorise an increase in an annual superannuation allowance or pension so far as the allowance or pension is payable in respect of a period before the coming into operation of these Rules.

2.—(1) In these Rules, the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say:—

the National Physical Laboratory” means the Executive Committee or the Director of the National Physical Laboratory;

the Superannuation Acts” means the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1950, and any Act amending those Acts.

(2) The Interpretation Act, 1889, shall apply to the interpretation of these Rules as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

3.  These Rules may be cited as the Superannuation (National Physical Laboratory and Civil Service) Transfer Rules, 1957, and shall come into operation on the tenth day of September, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven.

Peter Legh

Edward Wakefield

Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury

Dated this 4th day of September, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven


These Rules provide for service in the National Physical Laboratory of certain employees who were appointed before 4th August, 1914, and were taken into the civil service before 2nd April, 1918, to be reckoned as unestablished civil service for the purposes of the Superannuation Acts.