6.  Where a former professional fireman not subject to the Act of 1925, being a person in whose case the National Fire Service (Preservation of Pensions) (Police Firemen) Regulations, 1941(1), as amended by the National Fire Service (Preservation of Pensions) (Police Firemen) (No. 2) Regulations, 1945(2), had effect immediately before he ceased to be employed in the National Fire Service, and being a person in whose case Regulation 4 or 5 of these Regulations has effect by reason that he so elected under that Regulation, would, if he had retired while a member of his former police force, by virtue of subsection (2) of section nine of the Police Pensions Act, 1921, have been entitled, if his former authority had so allowed, and if he had paid to his former authority a sum provided for in the said subsection, to reckon any period of service in another police force as approved service for the purposes of the said Act, then—

(a)in the case of a person who enters upon employment under a local authority—

(i)if his former authority, or the police authority for the area comprising the area of that authority, agree and make to the authority under which he becomes employed such payment as is provided in paragraph (2) of Regulation 10 of these Regulations, and

(ii)if he has paid to his former authority, or pays to that authority, or to the police authority for the area comprising the area of that authority, the sum provided for in the said subsection as aforesaid,

that person shall be entitled to reckon, in the proportion provided for in paragraph (2) of Regulation 4 of these Regulations, such said period of service in another police force as contributing service, or, where the local authority under which he becomes employed are a local Act authority, as a period of local Act scheme service, under, in either case, the authority under which he becomes employed as aforesaid, and any such period of service is hereafter in these Regulations referred as an “extra period of service”;

(b)in the case of a person who enters upon employment in the civil service of the Crown—

(i)if his former authority, or the police authority for the area comprising the area of that authority, agree and make to the Secretary of State such payment as is provided in the said paragraph (2) of Regulation 10, and

(ii)if he has paid to his former authority, or pays to that authority, or to the police authority for the area comprising the area of that authority, the sum provided for in the said subsection as aforesaid,

the said period of service in another police force shall be aggregated with the service treated by virtue of Regulation 5 of these Regulations as continuous service of that person in an established capacity in the civil service of the State, and shall for that purpose be treated in the same proportion as the said last-mentioned service is treated by virtue of the said Regulation, and any period of service so aggregated is hereafter in these Regulations referred to as an “extra period of service”.


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