

Payment of transfer values

16.  Notwithstanding anything in these Rules, in the case of a discharged employee in respect of whom the following conditions are fulfilled, that is to say:—

(a)such transfer of a fund or assets and such payment (if any) into the Exchequer has been made as is required in his case by this Part of these Rules;

(b) he has entered, or intends to enter, employment with which a pension scheme (in this paragraph called “the new pension scheme”) is associated, or in connection with which his employer intends to make provision for the payment to him of a pension, and he has shown to the satisfaction of the Minister that upon the payment to the trustees or managers of the new pension scheme, or to his employer, of such transfer value as is provided by this rule he will, either under the rules of the new pension scheme or under an undertaking entered into by his employer, have pension rights in respect of the whole or part of his former employment;

(c)he has made a request to the Minister in writing for the payment of such transfer value, and has undertaken in such request to accept the making of such payment in full satisfaction of all claims he may have upon the Minister in respect of his pension rights; and

(d)the Minister sees no reason why the payment of such transfer value should not be made;

the Treasury shall pay to the trustees or managers of the new pension scheme, or to his employer, a transfer value in respect of his accrued rights as certified by the Government Actuary, and after such transfer value has been paid no further payment in respect of accrued rights shall be made to or in respect of the discharged employee under these Rules.