
Statutory Instruments

1948 No. 157


The Trading With the Enemy (Enemy Territory Cessation) (Finland) Order, 1948


31st January 1948

Coming into Operation

3rd February 1948

The Board of Trade in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by Section 1 of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1939 (hereinafter called “the Act”), Regulation 7 of the Defence (Trading with the Enemy) Regulations, 1940(1), and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby order as follows:—

1.  Finland shall for all the purposes of the Act and for the purposes of any Order made thereunder cease to be treated as if it were enemy territory.

2.  Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 1 of the Act any person may trade within Finland with any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) resident or carrying on business therein.

3.  The Trading with the Enemy (Specified Areas) (No. 7) Order, 1941(2), is hereby revoked.

4.  This Order shall come into force on the 3rd day of February, 1948.

5.  This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Enemy Territory Cessation) (Finland) Order, 1948.

H.S. Gregory

An Under-Secretary of the Board of Trade

Dated this 3rd day of January, 1948


1.  An Order in Council dated the 28th September, 1944 (S.R. & O. 1944 No. 1123) made the whole of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1939, and Orders made thereunder continue to apply to areas under enemy sovereignty until the Board of Trade otherwise order.

2.  Under paragraph 1 of the present Order, Finland ceases to be regarded as enemy territory for all purposes of the said Act and Orders. Paragraph 2 authorises trade, which includes financial, commercial and other transactions, with all individuals and bodies of persons resident or carrying on business in Finland.


S.R. & O. 1944 (No. 1123) II, p. 55


I, p. 1137