24 Effect of judgments against company.

All judgments, decrees, interlocutors, and orders obtained in any such actions, suits, or other proceedings as aforesaid against such officer or member in manner aforesaid, whether such member or officer respectively be party to such actions, suits, or proceedings as plaintiff, pursuer, petitioner, or defendant or defender, shall have the same effect against the property and effects of such company or body, and also (to the extent herein-after mentioned) against the persons, property, and effects of the individual existing or former members thereof respectively, as if such judgments, decrees, interlocutors, or orders had been obtained against such company or body in suits or proceedings to which all the persons liable as existing or former members of such company or body had been parties; and execution or diligence, or executions or diligences, shall be issued thereon accordingly: Provided nevertheless, that where the extent per share of the liability of the individual members shall have been limited by any letters patent as aforesaid, no such execution or diligence shall be issued against any such individual existing and former member of such company or body as aforesaid for a greater sum than the residue, if any, of the amount for which, by virtue of such letters patent as aforesaid, such individual member shall be liable in respect of the share or shares then or theretofore held by him in the said company or body after deducting therefrom the amount, if any, which shall appear by such register as aforesaid to have been advanced and paid in respect of such shares or any of them by himself or herself, or any previous or subsequent holder of the same shares or any of them, or the representatives of any such holder, under or by virtue of any former execution or diligence, and not repaid at the time of issuing such subsequent execution or diligence.